2014년 9월 20일 토요일


chintzy 인색한 쪼잔한

cheap. very stingy.
e.g) Your so chintzy. Don't be so chintzy.

I’ll give you 50 cents each time you take out the garbage.
What?! Don’t be so chintzy, dad!
Whoa! My dad gave me 50 cents, so I’m giving you 50 cents.
Dad, that was like 50 years ago!! 

쓰레기 갔다가 버릴때마다 50센트 씩 줄게.
뭐라구요? 쪼잔하게하지마요, 아빠!
오! 내 아빠도 나한테 50센트를 줬었단다. 그러니 나도 너에게 50센트를 줄거란다.
아빠, 그건 50년전이라구요!!

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This is a video for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. This video explains a common expression in American English. It also explains typical American pronunciation.

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