2014년 9월 26일 금요일

to cut it close

to cut it close 가까스로 하다.

to be very very close. 

When you driving to cut it close, you cut it close. That was dangerous! Be careful!

On your schedule to cut it close, you're almost late.
e.g) I cut it close with my homework.

There! Just in time.
We have two minutes.
Just in time!!
We cut it close. Let’s get here earlier tomorrow, please.

여기다! 제시간에 도착했네.
2분밖에 안남았어.
제시간에 왔다구!
가까스로 온거지! 내일 제발 일찍오자.

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This is a video for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. This video explains a common expression in American English. It also explains typical American pronunciation.

to go pear-shaped

to go pear-shaped  하체비만체형의 , 상황이 안좋아지다. 

Something that has  a shape of like a pear. Especially a woman, is pear-shaped, they are wider around their hips than around the top half o their body. 

If a situation goes pear-shaped. Bad things start happening.
e.g) My plan went pear-shaped.  
        How was your project going? It's going pear-shaped.

Um…I think you’ve put on some weight.
I know!! I’m totally pear-shaped!
Your diet didn’t work?
My diet went pear-shaped from day one~

음..내가 보기에 너 살이 좀 찐거같아.
알아! 나 완전히 pear-shaped(하체비만)체형 이야!
다이어트 효과없었어?
내 다이어트는 첫날부터 안좋았어~

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This is a video for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. This video explains a common expression in American English. It also explains typical American pronunciation.

itching to do something

itching to do something  무언가를 너무 하고싶다.

I'm itching to do something. It means you really want to do something. You're sitting down but start to feel nervous. Because you want to do something. 
What are you itching to do something right now?

I’m itching to go to the mountains.
What for?
Just to be in nature. To be around trees!
What are you? A bear?!!

산에 진짜 가고싶다.
그냥 자연속에 있고싶어. 주변에 나무들이 가득하고! 
너 뭐야? 너가 곰이야?! 

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This is a video for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. This video explains a common expression in American English. It also explains typical American pronunciation.

2014년 9월 23일 화요일

to ace something

to ace something  엄청나게 좋은점수를 받다.

to score perfectly to get A . 

So, how was the driver’s test?
I aced it!
Well, I got one wrong out of 50!

운전면허시험 어땠어?

50문제중에 하나만 틀렸어!

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This is a video for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. This video explains a common expression in American English. It also explains typical American pronunciation.

to freeze my butt off

to freeze my butt off  동상걸릴만큼 춥다 (엉덩이가 나가떨어질만큼 춥다)

super cold ! 

I heard you’re moving to the mountains.
That’s the plan.
You’re gonna freeze your butt off!
Better than melting!!

산으로 이사갔다구 들었어.

너 동상걸릴껄! 
더워서 녹겠는거 보단 나아.

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This is a video for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. This video explains a common expression in American English. It also explains typical American pronunciation.

2014년 9월 20일 토요일


chintzy 인색한 쪼잔한

cheap. very stingy.
e.g) Your so chintzy. Don't be so chintzy.

I’ll give you 50 cents each time you take out the garbage.
What?! Don’t be so chintzy, dad!
Whoa! My dad gave me 50 cents, so I’m giving you 50 cents.
Dad, that was like 50 years ago!! 

쓰레기 갔다가 버릴때마다 50센트 씩 줄게.
뭐라구요? 쪼잔하게하지마요, 아빠!
오! 내 아빠도 나한테 50센트를 줬었단다. 그러니 나도 너에게 50센트를 줄거란다.
아빠, 그건 50년전이라구요!!

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This is a video for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. This video explains a common expression in American English. It also explains typical American pronunciation.

to move mountains

to move mountains 산을 옮기다. 세상을 변화시키다

to have ability to change the world. e.g) Gandhi 
Gandhi moved mountains.

Your daughter works so hard!
I know. Her determination is amazing.
She'll move mountains one day!
She just might!

당신딸은 정말 열심히 하는군요!
맞아요. 결단력이 대단하죠.
언젠가 세상을 변화시기겠는걸요!

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This is a video for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. This video explains a common expression in American English. It also explains typical American pronunciation.